What we do?
The charity’s founders are a Durham family with a passion for the outdoors.
Understandably the family are keen that County Durham, a large and beautiful county with a unique heritage and rich industrial history, is the epicentre of the charity’s work but they want the charity’s reach to extend well beyond the traditional county boundaries such that it also benefits the people of Northumberland, Cumbria and North Yorkshire.
The Walk & Talk Trust raises awareness of the many and varied benefits of walking and talking, it organises and facilitates guided walks for the public benefit, and it delivers practical information and advice.
The charity specifically wants to encourage schoolchildren and their families to “get outside” and get walking and wants to ensure that the children have the one thing they need to participate – walking boots.
The charity recognises the challenges faced by everyone at this time, but especially in areas of deprivation where support is most needed. Accordingly, the charity is also very keen to focus its efforts on groups that are socially isolated or disadvantaged, or who suffer mental health problems.

Mental health benefits

We provide children with free walking boots to encourage walking outdoors
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